Thursday, May 17, 2007

Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner

What do real estate agents and the Klan have in common? Why do drug dealers live with their mothers? Does your name affect your future? How important is reading to your child? Which is more lethal: a gun or a swimming pool? Why are sumo wrestlers like schoolteachers? Does money buy elections? This book is a look at how economic theory answers questions of every day life. And it's a hoot! I read this as part of a BookCrossing ring. I have to find my own copy.

Reviewed by Margot.


Elphie said...

Sounds like a great book!

Dee said...

I read this book late last year. After reading it, I have found myself ruminating world occurances from the point of view of "how does economy affect this occurance". It was amazing to me to discover that actually, the economy really does have a part to play in all things in our lives. A great read that makes you really think!