Thursday, May 3, 2007

The Suspect by;John Lescroart (reveiwed by;Deanna)
Dr.Caryn Dryden is found floating dead in her hot tub.Is it an accident or murder?The only suspect is the husband who has an iffy alibi.Gina Roake,a partner in Dismas Hardy's firm,is eager to take on such a high-profile case,especially when the client's innocence seems so easy.The police refuse to look elsewhere for a suspect because 99.9 times it is the husband.Gina reveals they are a few who may gain for the death of the doctor.Even the daughter can gain freedom from her mothers grip.The story is more focused on the husband.It is not a bad read.The story could have spread a little more time on other suspects and characters.The suspect is know other then ..........Read the book and you will find out.

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